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guys we have d-- as a coding language

so peak


Don’t listen to the haters on YouTube saying this isn’t a programming language, because it 100% is. Not only that, but it’s a Turing-complete language (basically it means it’s capable of doing the same things as “real” programming languages like Python or C#, you can read more here As I’ve shown with my implementation of Rule 110 ( which I’ve shared here:

Also, I’d recommend learning how to use Git and GitHub to share and save your code, it will change your life. Have fun and never stop!


Literally what. That's incredible. Good job!


I mean no one said it wasnt a programming language we said it wasnt a proper interpreter. The reason for this is because the program doesn't form a AST or has any logic to the program. Plus there is no linker which is one of the main parts of a programming language.

(2 edits)

this is similar to the BASIC coding langauge